Sally™ is an innovative virtual
concierge and security service

It offers real-time monitoring of buildings 24/7 from a central control room via strategically placed CCTV cameras and touch screen kiosks on-site.

A world-first

Sally™ is a technological convergence to create a valuable service that offers all the benefits of an
on-site 24-hour concierge at a fraction of the cost. It can monitor any building anywhere in the world.

Futuristic technology

Sally™ uses state of the art technology to offer a host of services to enhance the liveability of multi-dwelling and commercial buildings for occupants and owners. Sally™ solves many of the challenges of medium and high density living, including:

  • Easily accessible centralised building information
  • Controlling building and car park access for couriers,
    tradespersons and visitors
  • Round the clock security monitoring
  • Centralised facilities bookings
  • Controlling move in/outs
  • Instant SMS communication with occupants and owners
  • Managing Airbnb and short-stay rentals

Experience the future today. Sally™’s technological ecosystem will transform the way you live.


Reducing your carbon footprint

Sally™ makes a positive contribution to the environment by using sophisticated, futuristic technologies that are environmentally efficient. Tools such as sensitive automatic temperature detectors accurately monitor water temperature fluctuations in pools and hot water systems, allowing Sally™ to immediately coordinate repairs as required. Optimal calibration of temperature controls ensures energy cost savings are maximised.

Efficiencies created through centrally monitoring multiple buildings reduces the need for staff to physically attend buildings, and thus decreases travel-related emissions.

Sally™ is the future of environmentally-responsible building management.

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Assurance Certification

Building Management Systems Australia has attained the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 9001:2015 Quality Assurance Certification. This is an internationally recognised certification which we are extremely proud to have received. Our Quality Management System allows us to monitor quality across all of our operations and ensure our business processes focus on consistently meeting our clients’ requirements and enhancing their satisfaction.

Associated companies

Australian owned

Like to know more about Sally™?

Contact us to find out more about the benefits Sally™ can provide